This website uses cookies.  Find out more in our Privacy Policy.

Privacy Policy

Agnes Scott College is committed to protecting and securing individual user information and digital identity obtained through the college’s web presence. 

以下政策说明了我们收集个人信息的时间, 收集的信息类型和每个人选择退出信息收集的选项. We do not share any personal information collected from website visitors with external organizations or partners under any circumstance. 适当的学院人员只使用访问者在应用程序上共享的任何信息, 表格或其他学院出具的数据挖掘工具仅供内部业务使用.

What Information is Collected?

  • 来自用户与网站互动的信息,例如:
    • Pages visited
    • Any technical information such as:
      • type of device
      • operating system
      • browser
      • location (based on IP address)
  • Information used to improve the website and measure the success of advertising campaigns (or improve marketing strategies)

Web Analytics

我们通过谷歌分析收集网站使用数据. See Google's privacy policy and terms of use.

Use of Cookies

Small files of data, 被称为“cookie”的是用来收集和存储用于分析和营销策略的信息. cookie可能会在浏览器中或使用以下工具禁用 Google's Opt-out Browser Add-on.

第三方cookie可能被营销合作伙伴用于协助学院的广告活动. 信息不会出售给任何第三方供应商或组织.


如果你住在美国,并启用了谷歌广告个性化, 我们可能会收集其他资料,例如:

  • Information about your location, search history, YouTube的历史和谷歌合作网站的数据.

This information is aggregated and anonymized.  如果您想避免这些信息被收集,请访问 My Google Activity.  You may disable Google Ads Personalization at My Ad Center.



欧盟通用数据保护条例(“EU GDPR”)是一项管理个人数据使用的法规. It imposes new obligations on entities that control or process personal data about people who are located in the European Union. 本条例适用于欧洲联盟(“欧盟”)内部和欧盟以外的实体, applies to data about anyone in the EU, 无论他们是欧盟国家的公民还是永久居民.

The regulation took effect on May 25, 2018.

Agnes Scott College is committed to safeguarding the privacy of “personal data” of present and future students (a “student” is any person who presently attends Agnes Scott College or has attended Agnes Scott College in the past). “个人资料”定义为在欧盟创建并转移到正规博彩十大网站排名的任何记录, 哪个与已识别或可识别的学生直接相关. Examples of “personal data” include, but are not limited to, 目录信息,如正规博彩十大网站排名学院的定义 FERPA Policy.

This Privacy Policy outlines the collection, use, 以及学生向正规博彩十大网站排名提供的个人信息的披露.

居住在欧盟国家并申请的学生, or may apply, 正规博彩十大网站排名将需要提供同意收集和使用个人资料. 通过CommonApp或其他方式向正规博彩十大网站排名提供数据收集同意的学生, do not need to provide duplicate consent. 如果您位于欧盟,并且您尚未提供同意, 或者您不确定,请使用以下同意书提供同意: Agnes Scott学院在欧盟/从欧盟收集个人资料同意书 (PDF).

Students who participate in International Programs in EU countries will need to provide consent for the collection and use of personal data. 通过Terra Dotta向正规博彩十大网站排名提供数据收集同意的学生, Carta or other means, do not need to provide duplicate consent. If you have not provided consent, 或者您不确定,请使用以下同意书提供同意: 全球学习中心同意在欧盟/从欧盟收集个人资料 (PDF).

The Data Controller, under the GDPR law and with particular reference to the safety obligations related to automatic processing of student data, is Agnes Scott College. All data will be processed by Agnes Scott College in its capacity as Data Controller with the supervision of the Data Protection Officer, who you can reach at

Use of Information

For purposes of this Privacy Policy, Sensitive Information is defined as race, ethnic origin, religious or philosophical beliefs, health data, sexual orientation, and criminal convictions.

Agnes Scott College departments supporting students collect and process Information and Sensitive Information from individuals who are students only as necessary in the exercise of the College’s legitimate interests, functions, 以及作为高等教育机构的责任.

Information is collected from students and shared with internal and external parties to: register or enroll persons in the College, provide and administer housing to students, manage student accounts, provide academic advising, develop and deliver education programs, track academic progress, analyze and improve education programs, recruit students, make regulatory reports, audit, maintain of accreditation, 以及其他相关的学院流程和职能. Agnes Scott College Departments supporting students also use Information and Sensitive Information to conduct general demographic and statistical research to improve the College’s programs.

Sensitive Information is collected, processed, 必要时在内部和外部分享, applicable, 并适当的以便:确定适当的支持服务或活动, provide reasonable accommodations, enforce College policies, and comply with applicable laws. Information and Sensitive Information may be shared by the International Programs Office with third parties who have entered into contracts with the College in order to perform functions on behalf of the College while sponsoring or hosting programs, 受保密和防止未经授权披露的义务约束.

Third-Party Use of Sensitive Information


  • Consent:正规博彩十大网站排名可以披露敏感信息和其他信息,如果它有学生的同意这样做.
  • Emergency Circumstances: Agnes Scott College may share a student’s Information and Sensitive Information when necessary to protect the student’s interests when the student is physically or legally incapable of providing consent.
  • Employment Necessity: 正规博彩十大网站排名可能会在管理就业福利的必要时共享学生的敏感信息, 但须采取适当的保障措施,以防止进一步未经授权的披露.
  • Public Information: Agnes Scott College may share a student’s Information and Sensitive Information if the student has manifestly made it public.
  • Archiving: Agnes Scott College may share a student’s Information and Sensitive Information for archiving purposes in the public interest, for historical research, and for statistical purposes.
  • Performance of a Contract: Agnes Scott College may share a student’s Information when necessary to administer a contract the student has with the College.
  • Legal Obligation: 正规博彩十大网站排名可以在国际要求或允许的情况下分享学生的信息, federal, and state laws and regulations.
  • Service Providers: Agnes Scott College uses third parties who have entered into a contract with the College to support the administration of College operations and policies. In such cases, the College will share a student’s Information with such third parties 但须采取适当的保障措施,以防止进一步未经授权的披露.
  • College Affiliated Programs: Agnes Scott College may share a student’s Information with parties that are affiliated with the College for the purpose of contacting the student about goods, services, 或者是学生可能感兴趣的经历.
  • De-Identified and Aggregate Information: 正规博彩十大网站排名可以不受限制地以去识别或汇总的形式使用和披露信息.


正规博彩十大网站排名学院确保有适当的技术控制到位,以保护您的个人信息. For example, 大学的在线表格总是加密的,大学的网络受到保护和定期监控. Agnes Scott College undertakes regular reviews of who has access to information that it holds to ensure that your information is only accessible by the relevant staff, volunteers, and business partners.

如果正规博彩十大网站排名指定外部方进行信息筛选, any such arrangements are subject to a formal agreement between the College and that firm has measures to protect the security of all data.

Individuals with questions about personal data collected and processed by Agnes Scott College’s Student Affairs Office and/or Center for Global Learning should contact


The college will retain a student’s information in accordance with applicable federal laws and the college’s Record Retention Policy. A student’s information will be destroyed upon the student’s request unless applicable law requires destruction after the expiration of an applicable retention period. The manner of destruction shall be appropriate to preserve and ensure the confidentiality of the student’s information, given the level of sensitivity, value and criticality to the college.

A Student's Rights

Students have the right to request access to, a copy of, the rectification of, restriction in the use of, 或根据所有适用法律删除信息. The erasure of a student’s Information shall be subject to the retention periods of applicable federal law and the College’s Record Retention Policy.

如果学生已经同意使用他/她的信息, the student has the right to withdraw consent without affecting the lawfulness of the College’s use of the Information prior to receipt of the request. 学生可以通过联系注册主任来行使这些权利.

在欧盟创建的信息将被转移到欧盟以外的学院. 如果学生认为学院没有遵守适用的外国法律规范这些信息, 学生有权向欧盟适当的监管机构提出投诉.

Updates to this Policy

正规博彩十大网站排名可能随时更新或更改此政策. A student’s continued use of the College’s website and third-party applications after any such change indicates the student’s acceptance of these changes. 

We welcome your feedback or suggestions. Contact us at

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